Postal life insurance scheme chart
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Postal Life Insurance.
Postal Life Insurance (PLI) was introduced on 1st February 1884.It started as a welfare scheme for the benefit of postal employees and was later extended to the employees of the Telegraph Department in 1888. In 1894, PLI extended insurance cover to female employees of the erstwhile P & T Department at a time when no other insurance company covered female lives. It is the oldest life insurer in this country. Over the years, PLI has grown substantially from a few hundred policies in 1884 to more than 50 Lacs policies as on 31.03.2021. It now covers employees of Central & State Governments, Defence and Para-Military Services, Public Sector Undertakings, Banks, Educational Institutions, Local Bodies, professionals (such as doctors, engineers, chartered accountants, MBAs, lawyers etc.) and employees of companies listed with National Stock Exchange (NSE) / Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
- Minimum & Maximum age at entry: 19-55 years
- Minimum Sum Assured ₹ 20,000; Maximum ₹ 50 lac
- Loan facility after 4 years
- Surrender after 3 years
- Not eligible for bonus if surrendered before 5 years
- Can be converted into Endowment Assurance Policy upto 59 years of age of the insurant provided the date of conversion does not fall within one year of the date of cessation of premium payment or date of maturity.
- Premium paying age can be opted for as 55,58 or 60 years
- Proportionate bonus on reduced sum assured is paid if policy is surrendered
- Last declared Bonus- ₹ 76/- per ₹ 1000 sum assured per year
- Assurance to the extent of sum assured with accrued bonus till attainment of maturity age
- In case of death, assignee, nominee or legal heir paid full amount of sum assured with accrued bonus
- Minimum age & Maximum age at entry: 19-50 years
- Can be converted into Endowment Assurance after 5 years not later than 6 years of taking policy. If not converted, policy will be treated as Whole Life Assurance
- Minimum sum assured ₹ 20,000; Maximum ₹ 50 lac
- Loan facility after 4 years
- Surrender after 3 years
- Not eligible for bonus if surrendered before completion of 5 years
- Last declared Bonus- ₹ 76/- per ₹ 1000 per year (for WLA policy if not converted to Endowment Assurance)
- On conversion, bonus of Endowment Assurance will be payable.
- In case of death of insurant, assignee, nominee or legal heir is paid full amount of sum assured with accrued bonus
- Minimum & maximum age at entry: 19-55 years
- Minimum sum assured ₹ 20,000; Maximum ₹ 50 lac
- Loan facility after 3 years
- Surrender after 3 years
- Not eligible for bonus if surrendered before completion of 5 years
- Proportionate bonus on reduced sum assured is paid if policy is surrendered after 5 years
- Last declared Bonus- ₹ 52/- per ₹ 1000 sum assured per year
- Life cover to both spouses to the extent of sum assured with accrued bonus with a single premium
- Minimum sum assured ₹ 20,000; Maximum ₹ 50 lac
- Minimum age & Maximum age at entry of spouses: 21-45 years
- Maximum Age of the elder policy holder should not be more than 45 years & the couple should be between 21 years to 45 years
- Minimum term of policy 5 years and maximum 20 years
- Loan facility after 3 years
- Surrender after 3 years
- Not eligible for bonus if surrendered before completion of 5 years
- Proportionate bonus on reduced sum assured is paid if policy is surrendered
- Death benefits are paid to either of the survivors in the event of death of spouse or main policy holder
- Last declared Bonus- ₹ 52/- per ₹ 1000 sum assured per year
- Policy term: 15 years and 20 years
- Minimum age 19 years; maximum age at entry 40 years for 20 years’ term policy & 45 years for 15 years’ term policy
- Survival benefits paid periodically as under: -
- 15 years Policy- 20% each on completion of 6 years, 9 years & 12 years and 40% with accrued bonus on maturity
- 20 years Policy- 20% each on completion of 8 years, 12 years & 16 years and 40% with accrued bonus on maturity
- Last declared Bonus- ₹ 48/- per ₹ 1000 sum assured per year
- The scheme provides life insurance cover to children of policy holders
- Maximum two children of policy holder (parent) are eligible
- Children between 5- 20 years of age are eligible
- Maximum sum assured ₹ 3 lac or equal to the sum assured of the parent, whichever is less
- Policy holder (parent) should not be over 45 years of age.
- No premium to be paid on the Children Policy, on the death of policy holder (parent). Full sum assured and bonus accrued shall be paid on completion of term
- Policy holder (parent) shall be responsible for payment of Children policy No loan admissible
- Has facility for making it paid up, provided premiums are paid continuously for 5 years
- Surrender facility is not available
- No medical examination of child necessary. However, child should be healthy and risk shall start from day of acceptance of proposal
- Attract the rate of bonus applicable for Endowment policy (Santosh) i.e. last bonus rate is ₹ 52/- per ₹ 1000 sum assured per year
Customer Guide
Welcome to the PLI family. This guide has been designed for your comfort. A Postal life insurance policy enters you into a long term relationship with the Department of Posts. During this long period you will have number of interactions with PLI. A life insurance contract has several features which need explanation. While the Policy bond given to you covers the contractual issues, you need a guide, written in simple language, that highlights some important facts about your Policy.
- Policy Bond and its safety: The policy bond is the most important document during the life of a policy. This is a document which will be called for in connection with various servicing events including the settlement of claims. The first thing you should do after receiving the bond is to keep the same in a safe place and please do not forget to inform your near and dear ones about where this bond has been kept.
- Policy Number: Please look at the Policy Bond again. There is a 13 digit number called Policy number. This is a unique number that identifies the policy. In any correspondence related to servicing of the policy you have to quote this number. So we would advise you to note down this number in your diary. While paying premium through cheque, Policy number must be quoted on the back of the cheque.
- Payment of premium: The premium payment is the most important and most frequent event in the life time of a Policy and you must not forget to pay premium in time. Failure to pay premium in time results in lapsation of policy which means the life cover will not be available to you. * There are concessions on this under certain conditions. However, generally, the life risk is not covered during lapsation period. Delay in payment of premium invites late fee. The premium must be paid in advance on the first day of the each month. However, grace period is allowed upto the last working day of the month. Please note from the Policy Bond, date of commencement of the policy, due date and mode of payment of premium. Mode of payment means the frequency i.e. yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, monthly etc. Based on these information, you can draw a chart of due dates for premium payment in your diary. For example, if the date of commencement is 20 June, 2008 and mode is Quarterly, the due dates will be 1st June, 1st September, 1st December, 1st March. Please note these dates and the premium amount against the Policy number in your diary. You are a responsible person and surely you will not forget to pay your premia in time. we shall be sending a premium notice. Please do not wait for notice for payment of premium. It is your responsibility to remember to pay premium in time.
- Registering Mobile number & email id: Customer will have to visit nearest post office for getting his/her mobile number and email address updated in the system. For the purpose, he/she has to make request in writing
- Generating Customer ID: In order to allow Customers to view and carry out transactions relating to their Postal Life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance policies on real time basis, generation of Customer ID is a pre-requisite on the ‘Customer Portal’ through the link . However, before, generating the Customer ID on the Portal, Customer will have to ensure that his/her Mobile number and email address are updated in the system against the respective policy. Only on updation of mobile number and email address, customer will be able to register on the portal by clicking on ‘Generate Customer ID’ button at the bottom left on the customer portal page. On Clicking on ‘Generate Customer ID’ button, customer will be taken to the portal page, where customer has to fill some mandatory information such as Policy Number, Sum Assured, Insured First Name, email id etc. After all the mandatory information is filled up, customer will click on submit button, then customer ID will be sent to the registered email id of the customer with link for resetting the password.
Sl. No. | My PLI checklist | Tick here |
1 | I have kept the Policy bond in a safe place |
2 | I have informed someone as to where the bond is kept |
3 | I have checked the Policy schedule in the 1st page |
4 | I have noted the policy number in my diary along with due dates and Premium amount |
5 | I have noted the Post office Phone number in my diary |
6 | I have noted details of PLI INFO Center |
7 | I have understood that in my own interest I should keep PLI informed about my Change in address, phone number, email id. |
8 | I have noted that I should pay premium even if I have not received the notice |
9 | I have a nominee under this Policy |