Understanding Revit File Formats

Let’s understand different types of file formats in REVIT with following extensions:

M1 file formats

RVTReViT project file
The project file (RVT) contains your Revit model with its information. By using a single project file, Revit makes it easier to alter the design and have changes reflected in all associated views (plan views, elevation views, section views, schedules and so on). Having only one project file also makes it easier to manage the project (Although, typically increases the file size compared to CAD applications.)

RTERevit project TEmplate file
These are starting point for creating a new project. You may use one of the project templates (RTE) provided in your library as basis to create your project. Later, you may also customise these templates as per your office standards so that it saves you time and effort to make the settings from project to project. Learn more about project templates here.

RFTRevit Family Template file
Revit family templates serve as starting point for creating a family (elements of Revit). It contains the information that you need for that particular type of family you would like to create. Learn more about family templates here.

RFARevit FAmily file
Revit family is the file that contains the model geometry and information of a revit element. You can learn more about Revit families by understanding REVIT elements.


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