Integrated Heating and Hot Water with Tankless Gas or Electric Water Heating

Combined space and water heating system with tankless gas water heater

Assemble a combination space and water heating (combo) system as indicated in building plans. To maintain consistency with Building America’s energy savings goals, this measure guide focuses on the application of a condensing tankless water heater with a hydronic air handling unit (AHU) in single-family homes, but touches on other configuration options.

Install the selected combo system equipment per applicable local and state building codes and manufacturer specifications, and confirm proper operation. Ensure that health and safety measures are in place regarding minimum water temperature and temperature shock, and review proper maintenance and operation requirements with the homeowner.

See the Compliance Tab for related codes and standards requirements, and criteria to meet national programs such as DOE’s Zero Energy Ready Home program, ENERGY STAR Single-Family New Homes, and Indoor airPLUS.

Description Description

Combined space and water heating systems use a single thermal engine to provide domestic water heating (DWH) and space heating for a home. The combination of an air handling unit (AHU) and tankless water heater in pre-engineered or engineered applications can enhance the energy efficiency of meeting these heating needs in residential applications.

This measure will focus on the most common forced hot air integrated systems consisting of:

Combined Water and Space heater using tankless water heater.

  1. Tankless water heater (an on-demand water heater). The tankless water heater serves two purposes in the hydronic system: first, it provides continuous hot water for use throughout the home. Second, when a call for heat is made, the tankless water heater acts as the heat-source for the air handler, providing both hot water and heating for the home at the same time (Figure 1). The tankless unit can be condensing or non-condensing. This guide focuses on high efficiency, condensing tankless water heaters in support of Building America’s energy savings goals.
  2. Hydronic air handler. The hydronic AHU features a hydronic heating coil in place of either electric heating elements or gas-fired heat exchangers. When in heating mode, a hydro pump circulates hot water between the tankless water heater and the hydronic coil.
  3. Cooling coil (optional, not included in detail in this measure). Though not required, systems in cooling-dominated climates may include a cooling coil. The cooling coil operates the same as any other cooling system and can be integral to the hydronic AHU or separate.

Heated water from the tankless unit passes through a water-to-air heat exchanger to heat the room air. A fan blower circulates the heated air through the heat exchanger and into the home’s air distribution network. If a demand for DHW occurs while there is a call for heat, the system shuts the AHU off until the DHW demand is gone. There are several advantages of this system: